Practice Charter

We aim to provide a high-quality service where, as a patient, you can expect:

  • To be treated courteously at all times.
  • To be given information about the availability of services within the practice.
  • To be given an appointment on the day of request if your need is urgent.
  • To be seen within 30 minutes of your appointment, or to be given an explanation about the delay.
  • To be able to speak to any member of staff in private if you ask to do so.
  • To have your medical records, held at the surgery, treated in confidence.
  • To be kept fully informed about all aspects of your condition, possible treatments and side effects.
  • Requests for repeat prescriptions to be completed and ready for collection in 48 hours.

Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities

As a patient, you have the right to be registered with a named doctor but please remember that you may have to see any of the doctors if your need is urgent. You have a right to receive emergency care, receive appropriate drugs and medicines, be referred for a specialist or second opinion if you and the GP agree this is necessary, see your medical records or a copy, subject to certain laws, and know that by law, everyone working for the NHS must keep the contents of your medical records private.

With these rights come responsibilities for the patient. That means being courteous to staff at all times. We request that patients be as prompt as possible for all appointments and cancel any unwanted appointments with adequate time for us to offer time to other patients. It is the patient’s responsibility to attend all pre-booked appointments. We regularly monitor the number of missed appointments and persistent offenders will be removed from the list.